lundi 11 mars 2013

1* Liam is afraid of spoon.  
2* He never eats soup.
3* Liam and as a dad for Boys.
4* Liam has announced that Ed Sheeran sang a little in "Moment"
5* Liam said he lost his virginity when he was 14 years old: $
6* Liam: Girls are same in everyone. They are all beautiful.
7* He said: "If I was Simon Cowell, I would buy a castle, I'd jump on it or so ... I pour ketchup on myself"
8* When Liam was four years old, he slept walked into the kitchen and peed on the floor.
9* The boys would not go out with a girl who would not have sex before marriage, but Liam.
10* It is quite shy.
11* His favorite actor is Johnny Depp.
12* Danielle is 23 years old. which means it is 5 years older than Liam.
13* He would return to school.
14* "What is the worst thing a boy could do to a girl? Well personally, I think it is to ignore it, then it is you aimerde all his heart '
15* "If you could become any artist here tonight, who would it be?" Liam: Niall Horan "
16* Liam cried watching Toy Story 3, Zayn suddenly had to cuddle.
17* Liam prefers Miley Cyrus Selena Gomez.

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